Junior Division
Grades 3 to 5
“My daughter is thriving in a personalized, real-world learning environment. The teachers accommodate her demanding athletic schedule with ongoing one-on-one support. As a result of the rigorous academic program, my daughter is a voracious reader who also loves math!”
Morgan Knowles, PRA parent
Grades 3 to 5
Reading to learn and writing instruction grounded in the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy
Mathematical Processes, Number Sense and Numeration, Algebra, Data Management and Probability, Spatial Sense and Geometry, Financial Literacy
History, Geography, French, Art, Music, Health & Physical Education and Science
Promotes the development of a life skill set in communication and problem-solving for all students by enhancing self-understanding, self-awareness, and empathy. Fostering these qualities in the classroom allows students opportunities to move forward safely as they develop into socially aware and productive citizens beyond the educational setting.